Thursday, January 24, 2008


Massage Marketing The Disney Way

Do you know who Ray Kroc is?

I know you know who Walt Disney is.

Well, both of those guys are quoted as teaching a very important business building & massage marketing lesson that you need to understand if you're ever going to create a super-successful massage practice.

It's amazing how this one unique way both Ray Kroc and Walt looked at their businesses had such a gigantic impact on their success and profitability.

But it did. And it can for you as well.

(Just in case you don't know, Ray Kroc is the guy who is responsible for the gigantic success of McDonald's.)

Ironically, I believe I experienced this lesson and *unique way* of running a business firsthand last week.

Let me explain...

The very next day after the moving company had dropped our stuff off in Florida, we left for a little family vacation to Club Med in Port St. Lucie.

And, I've got to tell you... the service there from everyone on staff was just incredible.

I'm talking the best customer service I've ever experienced anywhere. And, I've been to some of the best hotels around.

(FYI: excellent customer service is *NOT* the big unique business lesson, so hang tight.)

I could tell immediately that the bigwigs running Club Med looked at customer service and care very differently from most vacation destinations.

For me personally, I'd now recommend Club Med to anyone. Largely because of the caring staff.

Talk about marketing, right!

I mean, think about it.

I just said I'd recommend Club Med largely because of the caring staff. Meanwhile, most people don't plan a vacation based on the quality of the staff at their destination.

But, this one aspect of my experience at Club Med was so good, now I'll be talking about it to other people (word of mouth).

You see, I believe the head honchos at Club Med understand the same thing Ray Kroc and Walt Disney understood...

Massage marketing doesn't just consist of the brochures, flyers, small space ads, and direct mail letters you use to build your practice.

Massage marketing is more than that.

Massage Marketing includes setting up everything properly that your clients and prospective clients could remember your services for.

For Ray Kroc it was the bathrooms at McDonald's.

Mr. Kroc appropriately defined clean bathrooms as marketing.

Walt defined clean streets at Disney the same way.

They didn't see clean bathrooms and clean streets as a necessary operational expense.


They both understood the concept of Critical Non- Essentials (CNE) within massage marketing.

CNE are all the things your clients will remember about your massage services that *AREN'T* your massage services.

It's everything that could create positive or negative word of mouth advertising for you, that ISN'T the actual bodywork they receive from you.

It's the...

Practice decor Customer service Music Bathrooms Scheduling process Contacts from you Collateral material Staff uniform Etc.

Think about it...

Each and every one of those things could create great or horrible word of mouth buzz for you, regardless of how great your bodywork services actually are.

That's why they're all referred to as critical non- essentials.

They're not essential to practice, but they're critical for your success.

And, when addressed *properly*, you can very easily use your critical non-essentials to differentiate your massage marketing and massage practice from all the others out there, and reap MASSIVE rewards.

The key is doing it properly.

Todd Brown is known as the guy who can quickly turn almost any massage therapist into an amazing success story. Discover his secret in the brand new 26-page Free Massage Business Report at Blog61023
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