Thursday, January 24, 2008


Why Do Most People Fail?

Chances are you know of someone who has tried a work from home business opportunity or two and failed. Perhaps you are one of them?

Let me share a sad statistical fact with you.

Out of every 100 people who begin a new work from home opportunity:

96 will do nothing with the information that they have bought and been given!

2 will begin to do something with the information, but will give up.

2 will be persistent at their work from home opportunity and will secure for themselves and family an amazing second income or substantial full time income.

This is an unbelievable fact. The majority of the 98 who did nothing and gave up will more than likely have negative things to say about the respective work from home opportunity they tried. This is because they know that they have failed and have given up. It is basic human psychology to be negative towards something you have not been successful at. So the result is that you have 98 people with negative things to say and only 2 with nothing but positive and encouraging words to pass on. In such a situation it is difficult to hear the positive message over the negative one.

And this is exactly why we are a society of cynics and non-believers!

People who are successful at work from home opportunities are not more intelligent than you or have some magical gift that you do not possess. They just decided to act on the information they were given, learnt it and then did it. You see, whilst so many of us wish for something better, only a few of us are willing to do what it takes to be a successful work from home business owner. Money does not come easily, I can assure of that. It can do over time, but you really have to want it and really have to work at it.

Stuart Ramsay has successfully fired his boss and now enjoys working from home. He is passionate about online business and shares his passion with others. For genuine work from home opportunities as well as a free newsletter & bonus, please visit Blog80922
Vita Blog95398

I Just Lost $2,548 For Doing 5 Deadly Ad Copy Sins (Part 2)

How many ads have you written to promote your online business? If you have started for a very long time ago, I am sure some of your ads have worked tremendously and some of them have bombed. If you are a beginner who just learn how to make money online, go through this article before you proceed with your ad copy.

The key to make money online in writing ads is to keep changing and testing your ad copy, dont just write one and then stop. Most of us here dont even have a college degree in copywriting, but you have to learn from your mistakes and never give up to make money online.

Below, I add another list of 5 deadly ad copy sins for you. If you have been following my Part 1 article, you have a total of 10 deadly ad copy sins already.

1. No proof of benefits offered

If you are selling a weight loss product that can guarantee people will lost 10 pounds in 3 days, what proof do you have to backup these words? If you have none, people will know straight away that you are just interested to sell the product and make yourself some money online. To overcome this, it is best to put a testimonial from a real people who actually try your product. It can be in a form of images, writing, audio or even videos.

2. No contact information for questions

This is one of the deadliest mistakes you could make. You only care to make money online without caring about your customers. Once they have purchased your product, they will definitely ask some questions regarding the product. You can make some serious money online if you leave your email address or even your house / office address. This way, your customer knows that you are a real person and willing to help them in any way you can.

3. No conversational writing

This is not compulsory but if you manage to write your ad copy like you are writing to your friend, you will make money online and make a lot of profit than before. Describe your potential customer as You and yourself as I. By doing this your customers feel like they are talking to a real person instead to some sales pitch.

4. No deadline to order

Believe it or not, if you put a deadline to your offer, you can make more money online compare to an ad copy without a deadline. Tell your customers if they dont buy it before the deadline, they are making a huge mistake and the price of your offer will increase. When they realize that the offer is just too great, they will click on the Buy button without hesitation.

5. Spelling and grammar mistakes

Well, some business owner could not even be bother about their spelling and grammar mistakes. All they care about is quickly make money online. Let us put it this way, if you read someones ad copy with lots of spelling mistakes, do you still want to buy the product? If they are too lazy to correct their mistakes, do you think that they will help you if you are having problems with their product?

There you have it, another 5 deadly ad copy sins that can cost you lots of money. You do well to remember not to the same mistakes like I did if you are serious about making money online.

Izrul Fizal has made a living earning himself a residual income every month. Visit his website Make Money Online at and to find out how.Vanda Blog21916
Eugenia Blog42799

Philips Handsets Made For Mainstream Internet Calls

Most gadget launches are fairly the same. They usher you into a showing room where many writers who cover the latest blend of technology are packed and waiting. Technology reviewees they may be, they are still ordinary citizens who write for the ordinary folk. So it is very improper to also show them gadgets that are overpriced, very complicated, and simply not practical.

But Philips did make a good impression on the technology writers who attended its gadget launch. This Dutch electronics and gadgets creator showed off gadgets that were easy to use and allowed users to save on money by allowing them to do Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) calls for much less. And it would not be surprising if these Philips phones became a big hit in the mainstream market for many people do communicate with friends and family who are based in the various corners of the world.

There are already VoIP phones in the market. However, this Philips phone is very simple that anybody can figure out how to use it and make VoIP calls. It is a cordless handset which allows you to communicate with friends and familly in far away places without you being stuck in one part of your house with the wires that connect the phone to your PC.

One variation of this Philips VoIP phone is that it has been specially deisgned so as to be ready for use with Windows Live Messenger service. On the other hand, there is also a Philips VoIP phone made for Skype. Aside from the fact that these two phones have been designed to be ready for various VoIP services, there are also other differences between the two. The one for Windows has been made to be modern sharp and colored black. The Skype-ready phone is plainer and looks just like any other DECT cordless phone in the market.

Jill Carron is a 32 year old native of Ireland and has a knack for research on Ligo news, mobile gadgets, VoIP and Skype and anything and everything about them. He works full time as a Market Analyst for one of the leading DECT Digital Cordless Phones, Cheap Telephones, and Headsets suppliers in UK today.Vanni Blog57632
Freddy Blog82102

Biggest Traffic Generation System

The biggest traffic generation system you could ever get, has to be built by yourself. Building your own traffic generation system is not hard at all, it just takes work and effort. Once you have built your own traffic generation system you will have the blueprint to sell anything online.

What does your traffic system need to consist of? First we will start with the traffic that you can pay for. Before hiring any company do your research on their past performance, and how effective they are at their jobs. In order to get your website on the search engines I would hire a company to submit the website for you and to optimize your webpage. Make sure the company is doing hand submissions for you, automatic submissions get penalized by some search engines. Next depending on your budget I would hire a traffic specialist to drive traffic to your site. There are huge firms that can charge anywhere from 1,000 to 2,000 dollars and there are freelancers who will charge only a couple of hundred dollars. A freelancer may be a little more risky than going with a big firm. Once again it just depends on your budget. Lastly I would use Pay Per Click advertising as well. You can hire a specialist to handle this for you as well or you can do it yourself. If you are going it alone make sure to start with a small amount of money at first. As you begin to understand the process then add more money accordingly.

We will now cover getting traffic on your own. There are a number of ways to get traffic on your own. First the easiest way of gaining traffic is to write articles and submit them to different directories. The next way to get traffic is to create a blog and give out daily tips on your business. Also promote your business offline with business cards, fliers and other promotional tools that you can hand out to people. There are many other ways to create traffic, the key is being persistent. Taking one day off can affect tomorrow's sales.

The biggest traffic generation system is right in front of you. Everyday you should be hiring someone to drive traffic for you or driving traffic yourself.

Biggest Traffic Generation System was written be Eric Fields. To learn in detail more techniques visit: Blog41277
Vera Blog21442

Institutional Advertising Vs Direct Sales Advertising

In Institutional advertising, company spent a lot of money developing and rolling out advertisement via Mass Media like TV broadcast, Radio, Magazine etc. Typically, institutional ads will not cause an increase in sales at it first launch, but rather will develop a gradual and steady increase in sales over a long period of time.

An example of institutional ads is the typical Coca-Cola advertisement that you see on TV. Institutional ads are intended to develop the brand name, the image, the reputation, the quality and promote a desire for the customer need of the products from the viewers mind. Printed institutional ads tend to be very colorful and are usually placed in magazines by national manufacturers.

Most institutional ads communicate a message entirely centered on the company, the product. An example is as follow: We are a big Multi-National company established in 1813. We have a strong and desirable product that you the consumer will need. The product has went through million of dollars of Research and Development and it is the product for you, the consumer. Please also associate the product with our company name..

The result is often not immediate and it may take generation to generation to imprint the message deep into the masses mind. Take the case of Coca-Cola for example. Coca-Cola the Company has over decades that span across many generations of human races on institutional advertisements to get the message across that Cola is Coke or Coca-Cola. The process takes painfully long time and spent lots of money. This is something that individual or some business owners cannot afford.

In addition, if you pay close attention, you will notice that Institutional Advertising does not take into consideration of the opinion of prospective consumer. The advertisement boost about the company and the product but did not interact personally with the prospective consumer. The Ads did not motivate the prospective consumer to take immediate action as the strategy for Institutional Advertising is more for the long run.

In recent years, there is an increase of Direct Sales Advertising. An example is the Power Raider advertisement. It is a very short advertisement but bring forth a compulsive reaction from the viewers to take action to buy the products. This is what it does.. The ads start by showing a healthy and fit looking guy with a half naked upper half with well defined abdomen working out on a machine, the Power Raider. With an urgency tone, the host goes through a series of the benefits that the viewer can expect to receive if they get the equipment. Then it goes on to promote urgency within the viewer by claiming that there are only a limited copies left. To enhance the sales, the host sells an irresistible offer by lower the price of the product by not two time, not three time but maybe 4 or 5 times. On top of that, it motivated the viewer to take action by giving out bonuses for the first 50 buyers that call in to buy. Finally, the host calls for sales by provide enough information on how the viewers can make the purchase. To remove all fear from the viewers to take action, the host offer a Money back guarantee if they are not satisfy with the products within a certain numbers of days of purchase.

This is what Direct Sales Advertising is all about. It goes for the direct kill to get the customer to pull out his credit card immediately and make the purchase.

This form of advertising is appropriate for Internet Marketing or selling via the Internet as a media.


The reason is obvious. Just imagine

The prospect is surfing the web for information and happen to bump into your sales page. He is holding a packet of potatoes chip on one hand and a can of Coke on the other hand. He is impatient and will skip or move on to another page if your sales copy does not catches his attention to read on. The art of a good direct Sales advertisement does not just stop here. It motivate the prospect further until he takes out his credit card from his wallet and key into those visa or master card number on the keyboard and click on the submit button to buy.

Some even goes another step further by side selling and up selling the first time customer by making more money through a single transaction. This can be done by promoting a one-time offer to the customer with an irresistible offer that will compel him to take action again before he put back the credit card to his wallet.

I attend the World Internet Summit held in Singapore just last month. Almost all the Internet Marketing Gurus out there on the stage tells the audiences to be focus in order to make a profit from Internet Marketing. Even the famous Marketing gurus Jay Abraham also teaches us to be focus to achieve any success in Internet marketing.

However, I prefer to think that we need to focus on the right things to achieve success on Internet Marketing.

What are the right things in Internet marketing business?

Personally, I believe this are the important focus areas for Internet marketing:

1. Business System.

2. Business Strategies.

3. Business Marketing.

Out of this three focus areas, I strongly believe Business Marketing is the most important aspect of your business.

As Jay Abraham will tell you, Marketing is the key to your success in business, whether it is a online business or an offline business. Give a good product, when market well, will sky rocket the sales. However, given a bad product, when market well; it will also help in getting profits.

In order to tap on to the marketing brain of Jay Abraham, you will need to spend a lot of moneys. This is a quote from Jay Abraham himself Normally, when people want to learn what I know, I charge $5,000 an hour to talk to them privately. Or they pay me $25,000 to attend my five-day long seminars. As his popularity increase over time, the cost of engaging him for consultation will be much much more.

However, all is not doom. You can now easily get access to Jay Abraham marketing material at a low cost of just USD 39.95. I would suggest you check it out as one little marketing idea from Jay Abraham could possibly turn the fortune of your businesses in your favour.

You can access to Jay Abrahams Marketing Income-Building Home Study System at

. (*warning* I really do not know when Jay Abraham will pull out from this offer )

We should never under-estimate the power Marketing and its strong influence on the dollars and cents to your business cash flow.

Make no mistake about it. With a good marketing technique and strategy, you will definitely bring sells to your business.

One of the key aspects in business marketing for Internet marketing is sales copy writing. It is essential to have they know how for any business man or aspire to be business man to master this skill.

Author of best selling book Rich Dad, Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki defined marketing as selling through a system. He mentioned the importance of learning how to sell as a prerequisite for every business man. One interesting pointers from him is that his Rich Dad, Poor Dad are the best selling book, not the best written book.

Other than highlighting the importance of learning how to sell in his series of book, Robert also mentioned that importance of building a business system with the right strategies. Essentially, his business success pointers are the exact focus areas that I mentioned above, but in different presentation and layout.

Robert Kiyosaki has also designed an Ultimate Pack that give you an head start in business and finance. You can access to Robert Kiyosakis Ultimate Pack at

As for sales copy writing, there is no better guru to teach you than Jo Han Mok. Jo Han become a millionaire at a young age of 26 just after three years into Internet marketing business. He is famous for his sales copy writing skill and have consulted many individuals and company in helping them in converting their web pages to captivating sales page that increase the income of his clients.

Have you ever heard of a guru out there that treated writing a sales copy like fighting a war in battlefield? Jo Han is one of those sales copy writer that do just that. He is the man who incorporate the ancient chinese art of War to writing sales copy. If you do not know, the Chinese has been at wars within the country and with the barbarians from Mongolia for century in their long history. Many intelligent advisors have craft out some of the most practical and innovating strategies and techniques of winning the war for their Emperor. One of the famous advisor is Sun Tzu. This is one of the quotes translated to English by him Warfare is the way of deception. Therefore, if able, appear unable. If active, appear non-action. If near, appear far. If far, appear near. Attack where they are not prepared, go out to where they do not expect.

Chiong Yew Heng is a very driven individual who aspire to attain great wealth in his life time. Four things are important to him. It is listed here in order of priority. Fan Blog70421
Fifi Blog26031

Massage Marketing The Disney Way

Do you know who Ray Kroc is?

I know you know who Walt Disney is.

Well, both of those guys are quoted as teaching a very important business building & massage marketing lesson that you need to understand if you're ever going to create a super-successful massage practice.

It's amazing how this one unique way both Ray Kroc and Walt looked at their businesses had such a gigantic impact on their success and profitability.

But it did. And it can for you as well.

(Just in case you don't know, Ray Kroc is the guy who is responsible for the gigantic success of McDonald's.)

Ironically, I believe I experienced this lesson and *unique way* of running a business firsthand last week.

Let me explain...

The very next day after the moving company had dropped our stuff off in Florida, we left for a little family vacation to Club Med in Port St. Lucie.

And, I've got to tell you... the service there from everyone on staff was just incredible.

I'm talking the best customer service I've ever experienced anywhere. And, I've been to some of the best hotels around.

(FYI: excellent customer service is *NOT* the big unique business lesson, so hang tight.)

I could tell immediately that the bigwigs running Club Med looked at customer service and care very differently from most vacation destinations.

For me personally, I'd now recommend Club Med to anyone. Largely because of the caring staff.

Talk about marketing, right!

I mean, think about it.

I just said I'd recommend Club Med largely because of the caring staff. Meanwhile, most people don't plan a vacation based on the quality of the staff at their destination.

But, this one aspect of my experience at Club Med was so good, now I'll be talking about it to other people (word of mouth).

You see, I believe the head honchos at Club Med understand the same thing Ray Kroc and Walt Disney understood...

Massage marketing doesn't just consist of the brochures, flyers, small space ads, and direct mail letters you use to build your practice.

Massage marketing is more than that.

Massage Marketing includes setting up everything properly that your clients and prospective clients could remember your services for.

For Ray Kroc it was the bathrooms at McDonald's.

Mr. Kroc appropriately defined clean bathrooms as marketing.

Walt defined clean streets at Disney the same way.

They didn't see clean bathrooms and clean streets as a necessary operational expense.


They both understood the concept of Critical Non- Essentials (CNE) within massage marketing.

CNE are all the things your clients will remember about your massage services that *AREN'T* your massage services.

It's everything that could create positive or negative word of mouth advertising for you, that ISN'T the actual bodywork they receive from you.

It's the...

Practice decor Customer service Music Bathrooms Scheduling process Contacts from you Collateral material Staff uniform Etc.

Think about it...

Each and every one of those things could create great or horrible word of mouth buzz for you, regardless of how great your bodywork services actually are.

That's why they're all referred to as critical non- essentials.

They're not essential to practice, but they're critical for your success.

And, when addressed *properly*, you can very easily use your critical non-essentials to differentiate your massage marketing and massage practice from all the others out there, and reap MASSIVE rewards.

The key is doing it properly.

Todd Brown is known as the guy who can quickly turn almost any massage therapist into an amazing success story. Discover his secret in the brand new 26-page Free Massage Business Report at Blog61023
Venita Blog92253

Large Posters Appeal To A Large Audience Easily

When I walked into the shopping mall I had no intentions of getting my room painted. However a large poster placed strategically at the entrance of the mall grabbed my attention. The combination of splashing colors and catchy message proved to be too good to resist and I ended up calling the dealer and finalizing a deal to get my room painted in one of those vibrant colors that were showcased on the large poster. You must be wondering as to how attractive advertising on large posters can seal a decision or convince a potential customer to become a real costumer. I can safely say that it is not only me, but millions of us who have fallen for the large posters. Unlike other medium of advertising, which are right there in your face, large posters can make a statement without being intrusive. And that is where their charm lies, I guess.

The easy adaptability of large posters make them a favored medium of communication for a many people who want their message to be communicated to the masses in the most effective and economic manner possible. Large posters would be as preferred by an advertiser promoting his products and services as a students group propagating their ideas and ideals. Large posters can be conveniently displayed in places of public gathering such as a theatre, mall, exhibition, trade shows, etc. without being obtrusive to the ongoing activity in those places. Besides the inherent core need of advertising the product or service, large posters are also a way of life for many. Large posters are the ideal way to speak your mind and make a statement with. Large posters could be your weapon of protest against an authority; the voice of youth, outlet for your creativity, a personal statement or plain and simple advertisement of your views.

The allure of large posters lies in the economic and attractive option that it offers to the advertisers. What better way to grab the attention of a mass than large posters that have been creatively designed, are easy to display, get the message across and can convert potential consumers into real time customers. Now we come to the crucial questions of who makes these large posters. Many agencies and manufacturers have gained expertise in the field of creating and manufacturing large posters, however the advertiser needs to choose with care about the person or agency form where he will get his large posters manufactured. Internet can be one such option where a basic research can be carried out for locating a competent manufacturer and creator of large posters.

The more innovative and creative the large posters are the more attention they can grab and higher will be the conversion rate of potential customers into real customers. Hence, a carefully selected manufacturer of large posters can give you and your business the cutting competitive edge that it requires in todays market scenario. Decide on the tone and feel of message you want, the size of the large posters that you feel will be suitable and the location for display and a competent manufacturer who will give you the best rates in town. All this in place will ensure that your large posters will effectively do the advertising job for you.

Chris Broad has a special liking for a variety of posters. Collecting different kinds of posters is his hobby. He is very dedicated towards his work.If you want to know more about Banners, large posters, Custom banners and Banner stands visit http://www.postersigns.comFifi Blog17308
Fifi Blog26031

AdSense Sites: Can Beginners Make Money with AdSense Sites?

If you are in Internet marketing or have been reading the ads all over the Internet about how to make money from your website you can't have missed all the talk of AdSense. This is one of Google's main revenue generators and over the few years it has been around has made quite a few early adopters a lot of money.

Google makes a percentage of the cost of the ads and the website owner where the ads show up makes the remaining percentage. The AdSense ads are actually the ads placed through Google's AdWords Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising program.

Unfortunately as with all good things it seems, the money making potential seems to have diminished for the majority of those trying to make a go of AdSense as a viable money maker. That is not to say you can't make money off the AdSense program, it's just not as easy as it apparently was. Unfortunately I was not one of those who made good money off AdSense ads.

Regardless of all the ads promoting really big money from AdSense and the fact that there are still people collecting big profits from it, let's look at it through the eyes of someone just getting into the program in earnest. Someone like many of us that do not have a large source of traffic, or maybe even no traffic to sites we want to add AdSense to. In many cases we might have sites made specifically to be monetized with AdSense. Is it worthwhile to have sites specifically designed to make its income from AdSense ads? I say sites because it is not logical to think someone with a site that does not yet have a huge amount of traffic to believe they can make lots of money from a single site with AdSense on it.

Not going into details, the Google AdSense program is where a website owner has joined the AdSense program and allows Google to place AdSense ads on their website. When a visitor to the website clicks on an AdSense ad the website owner makes a few cents to many dollars from that click. How much you make is dependent on several factors such as the market the ad is trying to capture clicks from, the efficiency of the ad, the keywords the ad is focusing on and other factors. Certain types of ads almost always pay more per click than others. Insurance, loans, and finance ads pay a lot more than an ad for garden tools or gift baskets or paper plates, etc. would pay.

Real Life Example

I decided to give AdSense a try and see if I could make an average of $5 a day from a site designed to be monetized with AdSense ads. The sites are essentially sites with articles on them based on the theme of the site. I wrote some of the articles but purchased most of them. Articles to be added to the sites in the future will be mostly purchased due to lack of time to write articles myself. They are the content of the sites. The sites are mostly written in html, although I do have a few that are php coded sites.

On the pages with the articles are the AdSense ads, usually three blocks of ads on a page. The sites are small with most being about nine to 15 pages total. Adding articles on a regular basis will slowly build up the sites over time which is what the search engines want to see. I started with twenty new AdSense sites and three older blog sites I already had, plus two new portal sites that had no traffic going to them. All sites were monetized with AdSense.

The AdSense sites cost nothing, but the few articles on each site cost about eight dollars each. Articles can cost from about twenty-five cents to fifteen dollars or more depending on the source and quality. The lower cost articles require considerable rewriting so as not to cause your article to be considered a duplicate article and incur a so-called duplicate content penalty.

Allowing for placing five articles a month on a site plus some miscellaneous costs like hosting, domain name, software, and potential maintenance costs, a fifty dollar monthly cost per site is incurred. Yes you could write all or most of the articles yourself, but that is not practical if you have many sites and is very time consuming. So I am discounting that solution as impractical if you have many sites. So to break even on these types of AdSense sites each site needs to make about $50 a month. Thats an average of $1.70 a day.

A measly $1.70 a day, that should be easy for a site to make. Maybe it is, but it is heavily dependent on the traffic to the site and the corresponding clicks on the AdSense ads that result from it. To put things in perspective, look at the results of my twenty AdSense sites, three blogs, and two portal sites. All sites except the three older sites have been up slightly over three months. I started getting a few links to each site just this past month.

Real Life Terrible Results

Only last month did I start getting links to any of the sites. I am averaging about $1 a day from all twenty-five sites together. Thats about $25 a month total, far less than break even cost. I just checked today and have made $50.55 for this current month, month four for most sites. That's about one twenty-fifth of what I need to break even for the sites. Half the money came from the twenty AdSense sites, with the rest from the other five sites. There are still two more days left in this month.

I believe the results will continue to improve as long as I add articles and get links to the sites. It is a long way to go until the sites break even, if they ever do, so I am not holding my breath. Although these results are terrible, in my opinion, it must be mentioned that I am doing this part-time and only recently has there been an effort to get links to the sites. If it had been a full-time effort (and it could easily have been) then the results would seem even worse. I have totally ignored the effort (which has been considerable) in getting the sites up and working properly, correcting and adding the articles and revising the links for each new article I added to the site.

I do have software that would easily generate such sites, but decided not to use it due to leaving footprints and having the sites considered spam sites by Google or the other two top search engines. From the looks of it right now it's too early to make an accurate judgment as to whether the sites will be worthwhile. I tend to think the effort is too great the way my sites are set up now and the cost of the articles too high to make a decent long term profit. I figure I need to revise how the articles are added and probably get the cost of the articles down a lot more, to less than half what I am paying now to have a fair chance to break even, let along make a profit.

Is AdSense Worthwhile for Beginners?

So the question, can beginners make money with AdSense sites cannot be answered yet with any accuracy from my results so far. On the surface it appears the answer is no, not if following my route. Only if extraordinary amounts of traffic can be obtained does it look like my sites will make any decent money from AdSense. Probably another, a better approach, will be necessary and a lot more pages with AdSense ads on it will be required to be able to make any significant money. I suspect I will need at least 50 to 100, or more, articles per site to have a fair chance of creating a small part-time equivalent income from the sites.

If you consider an average cost of six dollars for an article, and that is a very low cost for a new article, and still the same five articles a month, with just half the estimated ten dollars monthly miscellaneous costs being only five dollars, the thirty-five dollar monthly cost per site still is difficult to conceive making even that much from the poor results experienced so far. Only time will tell whether the effort will be worthwhile.

I am already changing my html sites so they will be easier and faster to add the new articles. Unfortunately that may cause me to effectively start over with my AdSense earnings since the links will be different and any pages already indexed will have to be re-indexed again since I am changing the sites little by little to php sites. I did something similar several months ago to a single larger site and even months later over 500 of those original pages were still indexed even though they had been off the site for many months.

If you agree it's difficult for a beginner to make money with AdSense or if you have made a worthwhile AdSense profit in a short time period please enter your opinion on if you would like to share your success or failure. I would like to see other views on this topic, especially those who have made a decent return on non-directory type AdSense sites within a reasonably short period of time.

Copyright © 2007 Charles Harmon

Charles Harmon is a software developer and also writes articles for websites. One of his favorite interests is reading your opinions which you can enter on Another is Internet marketing - visit If you have gripes or bad experiences you can voice them at his PootoYou site.Viva Blog5244
Fatima Blog16229

Advertising Nursery Products On TV - Part 2

It is also advisable for nursery plant advertisers to diversify their ads, so that during a one week, if 20 commercials are scheduled, it is beneficial to alternate four or five entirely different commercials during that period. If, for instance, only a white flowering dogwood commercial is scheduled to run, day after day, the ad will soon become ineffective and unprofitable to continue generating sales over an extended time period. Every item that is advertised will not be successful, and only trial and error will indicate the items that should be rescheduled to advertise during the next season. Nursery plant products are seasonal, and it is crucial to learn, what time of the year TV advertising should be done. Flowering plants should be advertised in the spring and summer when customers are anxious to actively plant. It would resulting in total failure to expect customers to want to buy flowering plants during the fall and winter. The correct advertising time to advertise can only be learned by trial and error, and gaining that knowledge may be too costly for most nursery business to test experimentally.

TV advertising of nursery plants may work great for 3-4 years, but any successful business campaign will attract competitors or onlookers, who may think the nursery business is a rainbow that leads to easy money and success. Mom and pop, backyard gardeners, may start up competitive businesses, who don't advertise on TV, but they may advertise in cheap newspaper ads that competes with sales from the TV nursery advertisers expected sales. These mom and pop operations in the beginning may not draw off significant revenue, but any success on their part will eventually stimulate more backyard operators to enter a crowded marketplace, that is easy to enter and requires only a small investment of inventory from back yard gardeners, and every new competitor who enters the market will ultimately erode a nursery plant market's profitability toward the prospect of doom and business failure.

A more threatening challenge to nursery plant TV advertising is the entry of aggressive competitors, who perceived the success of the nursery plant advertiser as trend setting and extremely profitable. This situation happens invariably, and the promise of new advertisers and increased revenue for the TV station encourages the sales representatives from the TV stations to solicit more business. This makes sense to everyone except to the current nursery, TV,plant advertiser who has spent thousands of dollars by trial and error, learning what kinds of ads to run, when to run the ads; and so his natural and reluctant unwillingness to share his hard earned secrets through years of advertising on TV to new-comer competitors. Because of all the factors that have emerged, the market share of nursery business can become so depleted by fractionation of a market that eventually, it becomes impossible for anyone to profitably continue to advertise nursery products on TV. The greed of the TV sales representative in gaining more revenue by soliciting new nursery advertising accounts from competitors of the loyal nursery plant advertiser, ends in self-destruct for the TV station resulting in zero nursery advertising.

Another more insidious problem that happens over a long period of years of advertising is that the total interest in planting gardens may have been generally over-stimulated and sales of the plants may have actually been dramatically increased overall in the TV coverage area, but wholesale plant growers, a new creation of increased plant demand. begin to appear to supply that increasing market demand. These wholesale growers then expand with a need to create even more nursery competitors in order to survive themselves. This crowding of a plant market of unmanageable nursery competition will eventually lead to a collapse of the industry segments, so that changes of plant supplies will flood plants into a limited, TV sales market area and much product remains unsold. Even drastic cut-price, sales promotions will not work once a market area has been saturated and overun with plants.

Many box stores have expanded during the past decade to add plant sales as an inducement to buy their other nonperishable non-plant items. In many cases these stores have sold plant at cost or below cost from contracted wholesalers, in order to establish their firm presence into the plant market. The box store phenomenon, and the spectacular domination of nursery retail sales has forced the closure, or bankruptcy in some cases, of independent nursery operators. This reduction of competition for the box stores has completely changed the marketing of garden plants, trees and bulbs in the United States.

Shopping for serious gardeners who become bored after buying box store, assembly-line plants, may become able to buy plants with the uniqueness and individual character that independent nurserymen once offered. Is it possible that someday an avid gardener may only be offered plastic flowers and trees to plant in his garden. Sic transit gloria mundi, (and so passes the glory of the world.)

Patrick A. Malcolm, owner of TyTy Nursery, has an M.S. degree in Biochemistry and has owned and operated TyTy Nursery for over three decades. http://www.tytyga.comEvanne Blog55450
Vera Blog81056

5 Key Steps To Building A Network Marketing Business.

Step 1: Research, Research, Research.

There are so may different Network Marketing companies out there these days that it is very important that you do a lot of research before you jump right in. The last thing that you want to have happen is find yourself broke in a company that isnt going anywhere.

When doing your research there are a few very important things that you need to look at. One of them is the marketability of your network marketing company. You want a company that makes it easy to get your name out there and has a strong reputation online. Marketability should be the most important aspect of your decision making process. Another thing that you need to look at is the compensation plan. We all want to be paid well, right? Looking closely at the compensation plan will help make that happen. Also, it is important to look at the product that is being sold and whether it is marketable. Though product matters, the ability to market that product is more important. Finally, it is crucial that the company if fully integrated online. You should be able to look at products, place orders, and sign up new representatives all online. This will make it much easier to expand your business. Find these things and you should be ready to go.

Step 2: Contacting Your Sponsor

Once you have done all your research and signed up for the company, give your sponsor a call (remember, if the network marketing company is entirely online there is a good chance that you havent talked to your sponsor). Tell your sponsor a little about yourself and there you are serious when it comes to your new business. This will help to build a strong relationship that will help you in the future.

Step 3: Setting Up A Foundation

This is a business, this isnt a game Mighty Ducks

You are starting up a business that will eventually give you the freedom and the financial stability that you have always wanted, so run it like a business. Set up a monthly budget to keep track of your finances. List a specific amount for advertising that you can meet without breaking the bank. Also, organize your company by keeping written records of transactions as well as copy of receipts. You want to know how you money comes in and goes out. This is kind of a pain but will pay off in the long run.

Step 4: Grand Opening

Now is the time for the grand opening of your business. So what do most business owners do when they open a business they advertise.

There are many different ways to advertise out there but in this article I am going mention a few. The ones that seem to work the best for me are PPC (pay per click) such as Googles Adwords, Ezines (online magazines), classified ads, and simply talking in forums. To find out more regarding each of these methods simple do a search for them in Google or Yahoo. There is plenty of information about each of these topics on the Internet, so spend some time looking around.

Step 5: Follow Up

Once you have your first few members make sure to follow up with them. This is very important. By following up with them you are able to build a strong relationships that will help to grow your team. Now simply teach them how to repeat these steps to build their business. Remember, you will never be successful until you are able to teach your new signups how to repeat what you have done.

I wish you all the best.

Andrew Leone is an active network-marketer training and developing the skills of entrepreneurs all over the net. Find out how to take charge of your own financial freedom by taking his FREE tour. => This article is currently available for free reprint.Florenza Blog34282
Vernice Blog10257

FTP Hosting For Small Businesses

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is an authentic and secure communication protocol designed to exchange information from one computer to another over the Internet. Irrespective of business volume, sharing information or exchanging files on the World Wide Web is a common phenomenon in every business process. Most of us are familiar with Email to share files and other information over the Internet.

The importance of FTP hosting service increased remarkably for smooth and secure business communication. File Transfer Protocol can restrict unauthorized users to intervene in the business process. If you are running a small business and looking for a secure as well as efficient communication protocol then register for a FTP hosting service. FTP hosting service will provide you a secure network with a FTP server and a Client server to exchange information over the Internet.

Selecting an FTP hosting service for your Small Business

Internet is the right place to make sufficient research on FTP hosting service providers and service charges. Free hosting services do not provide the facility of File Transfer Protocol, most cases you have to pay for this secure file transfer service. First you have to register for a selected FTP hosting service. It is recommended to select your primary domain name and secondary domain name based on the name of your company. During the registration process you have to select the period and other facilities for FTP hosting service and based on that service provider will allocate a separate space for your small business in their server.

FTP hosting service to ensure a secured network in Small Business process

FTP hosting service allows you to share all types of files (text, image, audio, multimedia etc.) to targeted FTP account holders. FTP service providers will allocate FTP accounts with unique user name and password. Therefore you can create multiple FTP user account under the registered FTP site. FTP hosting service will allow only authorized account holder to access the server that is allocated for your business. Through your FTP account you can upload copies of the files in the server. Only authorized clients, vendors or end users can view and download selected files from your FTP site through their account.

Security of digital information is necessary in Health Care Services. If you are running a small business where you have to share medical report, research papers and other types of private document then it is recommended to go for Standard FTP. Standard FTP comes with the feature like encryption, which is not available in general FTP hosting service. In this process the system will encrypt the content of the file before uploading the file in the server.

Features of FTP hosting services for Small Business

For small business you can go for basic FTP hosting. Following are some features of basic FTP hosting:

Sufficient space in the FTP server to store any types of files. You have to select the storage based on your business volume.

Web-based Control Panel

Sufficient Sub-FTP accounts for clients, vendors and employees

Daily statistics of the activities along with daily backup facility

Directories, which are protected by Password

Additional security features like Secure FTP or SSL. These features are optional and are not available with general FTP hosting services.

Based on the requirement of your small business you can enjoy additional disk space and/or additional monthly file transfer through FTP server by paying reasonable amount per month to the service provider.

Cost factors

For small business money matters, therefore it is important to select the right FTP service provider. It is observed that, some special software is required to utilize this unique file transfer service. Since you have to pay the bill for FTP hosting service throughout the period therefore it is better to select the an FTP hosting service that does not require any extra software to support the process of exchanging files over the Internet. By this you can save some extra cash for your small business.

Values of FTP hosting services are quite affordable for small business operators. So register for FTP hosting service for your small business and experience an efficient and secure process of transferring files from one location to another.

Mike Jewson is a Network Engineer with "". You can learn more about "FTP Hosting" services online at http://www.InstantFTPsites.comVivian Blog72969
Vinnie Blog1761

Saving For Auto Mechanic School

Time has passed, and the same old crumby job greets you each day as it has for the past several years. When will life change its fortunes towards you? The answer to this question is when you decide to save money, and go to auto mechanic school. Attending school is not an easy task for one that has a family, with bills to pay, and therefore it is necessary for one to save enough money before attending auto mechanic school.

While creating a budget might not be a strong point for the family, it is one way to save for auto mechanic school, and catapult your career to the next level. Unfortunately for most, no one will simply provide for one to go to auto mechanic school, it is one of those things that requires cash, and free cash for most Americans requires saving money. This is why creating a budget is so important. With a fixed budget and some discipline, a small fortune can be saved in a less than a year for most working professionals.

Creating a budget won't be easy, and takes a focused effort and strategic planning to make happen. Attending auto mechanic school most likely will depend on your personal ability to create and abide by a budget. Attending a training program is something that takes work, and must be made a priority. When creating a budget for your auto mechanic school fund, simply look at what costs can be cut. Treat your auto mechanic school budget as a business with a bill each month that must be paid. This will help put the concept of saving into perspective, and allow you to look at the auto mechanic school savings as a third party.

For example, you love doughnuts and coffee, and have decided that you can save nearly $10 a week by not eating at the doughnut shop for breakfast every morning. You should look at this cut back as one step closer to achieving your goal to attend auto mechanic school. Thinking about the new budget in a positive light will greatly enhance the experience, and help you to keep going towards your goal of attending auto mechanic school.

Creative budgeting is another way to save for auto mechanic school. Utilizing creative budgeting will make it easier, and more feasible to attend auto mechanic school sooner than one would think possible. Creative budgets are ones that are created around unique ideas that will allow for the saving of money through the replacement of paid activities with free ones. An example of creative budgeting would be to stop spending $10 at the video store each week, and rent movies from the library for free, and put that $40 a month towards auto mechanic school tuition instead. By doing this, one will save the money needed for attending school.

While most people look at budgeting as a negative, or repressive act that is not fun to engage in, others that love to save money look at it as a way of life. If you stop thinking like the former, and start to believe in the latter, auto mechanic school is not but a few months of saving away. Even for those that don't earn a substantial income, it is all about saving. Whatever is saved, can be used towards auto mechanic school, which often offers a tuition payment plan for those that need it.

Andy West is a freelance writer for VC Tech, The Automotive School. VC Tech is a world-class auto mechanic school offering many exciting automotive programs. Please visit to learn more.Francesmary Blog8168
Vanda Blog79822

Computer Consulting Business Tools for Getting Good Customers

If you want to be financially stable and have a successful and legitimate computer consulting business you have to work on honing your intuition skills and focusing on a specialty. You also need to be good at uncovering the best small business clients.

Small Businesses

There are almost countless small businesses in the United States and globally, and you can almost be guaranteed that just in your geographical area there are thousands or even tens of thousands of small businesses. Unfortunately, if you choose to work with the wrong small companies in the computer consulting business you could be headed for disaster.

Optimal Accounts

The secret to a successful computer consulting business is finding the very best accounts and knowing how and when it is appropriate to simply say no to people.

To find optimal accounts you need to know where to look for them and how to be certain that the small businesses you find will be worth the time and effort for your computer consulting business. Career satisfaction is a key element in this industry and the hope of achieving it was probably why you chose to open your own computer consulting business instead of sticking to a corporate IT position.

Thinking About Finances

Your computer consulting business needs to be financially successful. Having a profitable business that is a steady source of revenue will make your life that much easier and help you prepare for the future. Because all small businesses are not the same, you have to be sure you are choosing to work with the ones that will help you meet your financial goals.

The computer consulting business is about people, and that being said, you have to be empathetic to clients and do the best job possible for them. Still, you have to keep your own best interests in mind and be sure you can cultivate long-term relationships.

Copyright MMI-MMVII, Computer Consulting 101. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Joshua Feinberg, co-founder of Computer Consulting 101, helps computer consulting business owners get more steady, high-paying clients. Learn how you can too with free proven computer consulting secrets at http://www.ComputerConsulting101.comFrancine Blog62579
Farah Blog58583

6 Critical Elements In Creating Successful Web-Marketing Campaigns

With the growing realization that the marketplace is not what it used to be, more and more companies are turning to the Web as the marketing environment capable of reaching a dispersed diaspora of 'Long Tail' (Chris Anderson, "The Long Tail", Wired Magazine) interested prospects with a relevant memorable marketing message.

Realizing that you now have an economically viable multimedia platform that evens the marketing playing field, you must carefully consider how to proceed. If you merely transfer your traditional print advertising and direct marketing mailings to the Internet, you will be left behind.

Any business can put together a successful Web-based marketing plan if they take the time to define the six critical elements of a Web-marketing campaign:

1. Marketing Purpose
2. Marketing Objectives
3. Presentation Vehicle
4. Information Format
5. Marketing Venue
6. Achievable Expectations

1. Marketing Purpose

Marketing is all about building a brand personality that relates to an interested audience of either business-to-consumer or business-to-business prospects. Prospects search-out brands that help them construct and maintain their own self-image or at least an image that they aspire to, an image that they are comfortable communicating to others. The purchase, for example, of a Macintosh computer says as much about who bought it, as it does about that person's computing requirements.

"Thus, while the psychological/emotional need is to construct, reconstruct, and maintain the self-identity, the socio-cultural need is to communicate to others the self-identity." -Ouwersloot & Tudorica, 'Brand Personality Propositions'.

Accepting the need to build a brand personality that legitimate prospects can relate to might very well mean rethinking exactly who you are as a company and exactly what you are offering on both a psychological, emotional and socio-cultural level.

Most companies have a well-defined list of functional benefits that they provide clients; but what you have to ask yourself is, what psychological, emotional, and socio-cultural benefits do you offer and are they represented by your corporate image or brand personality? And if you think this only applies to consumer product companies, you are mistaken. Every company from industrial widget suppliers to packaged goods manufacturers needs to define their personality in terms of the emotive benefits they provide.

2. Marketing Objectives

One of the most difficult things for small companies to accept is that sales are the result of establishing an appropriate marketing framework. Once you recognize that the real purpose of marketing is to create a relationship with your audience based on an emotional connection in the form of a brand personality, you are ready for the next step: defining your marketing objectives.

Successful marketing campaigns rely on strategies and tactics that grow out of defining eight important marketing objectives.

Awareness: objective one is to make your market audience aware of your existence, but name recognition alone won't bring in the orders.

Attention: objective two is to draw attention to your company, product, or service. Your market audience may be aware of your existence but not understand or care what you do or why they should be interested. You have to do something to attract their attention before they'll listen to what you have to say.

Comprehension: objective three is to explain to your market audience what it is you are offering them. Telling people you sell the best widget and provide the best service is meaningless - your audience must understand how their personal or professional lives are going to be improved functionally, emotionally, and socially. Most automobiles will get you were you want to go (functional benefit), but a Mercedes gets you there in style (emotional benefit) and displays to the world that you are a success (social benefit). When was the last time you saw a real estate agent drive around in a jalopy? As focused on closing the sale as real estate agents are, they instinctively know they must project a confident, comfortable, successful professional image.

Knowledge: objective four is to provide your audience with the ammunition they need to make the purchase. Your prospects need to justify to themselves, their corporate superiors, or maybe their spouses, their purchasing decision. Prospects must be educated, informed, and enthused with the knowledge that your company, product, or service is the right choice.

Behavior/Experience: objective five is the creation of a corporate culture that matches your brand personality. If prospects are frustrated or annoyed by their experience in dealing with you, your website, or your email landing page, then all the feel-good advertising in the world is wasted. The customer experience of dealing with your company must match the image you project.

Involvement: objective six is to evangelize your customers so that they become involved in promoting your product, service, or company to their friends and colleagues. People want to show-off their intelligence, good taste, and business acumen. If your product fulfills your customers' emotional and psychological needs, they will become your best sales people.

Ability: objective seven is to education your customers so that they can maximize the benefits from their purchase. Show customers how to increase their ability to achieve, perform, or excel by using your product or service. It is absolutely amazing how many 'how to' books are sold by third parties to supplement the dreadful instructions and manuals provided by manufacturers. Think about the message you are sending customers when they have to buy a book with the word "Dummies" in the title, just to make your product work.

Opportunity: objective eight is to give customers the opportunity to purchase you product or service either directly or through an appropriate channel of distribution. Spending money on advertising and promotion for things people can't get is not much value. If prospects can't satisfy their needs when they want to, you'll have missed your chance.

3. Presentation Vehicle

Old habits and ideas are hard to overcome. After all we are creatures of habit, more accurately we are creatures of pattern. We understand the world around us by absorbing familiar patterns of action and behavior. Patterns make it easier for us to deal with the complexities of modern life and the demands of everyday work. This is a good thing as long as these patterns serve our needs, but the world of marketing communication has changed.

There is a new marketing paradigm that needs to be accepted and new sets of behavior patterns that need to be acknowledged. There was a time when you used the phone book to lookup phone numbers and the local newspaper to find what movies were playing; but today, the first place people go is the Internet. Things have changed and businesses have to change with the times.

Sure every business has a website, that's a given, but most websites are nothing more than digital versions of company brochures or catalogues that have been pushed and pulled out of shape by SEO consultants selling the latest miracle marketing cure - more traffic. Never mind the appropriateness of the traffic, or the relevancy of the bloated SEO-massaged content, or the meaningfulness of the marketing message. Traffic by itself will not win the day or get you where you want to be - this is nothing more than the same old shotgun volume broadcast approach that we know doesn't work for most companies.

The real issue here is presenting relevant, meaningful, compelling, informative, memorable material on your websites and landing pages to an interested audience that actually cares what you have to say - just make sure you say something worthwhile.

So how do we do it? The answer is Web-based multimedia presentations. Now let's be clear what we are not talking about: we are not talking about adding meaningless background music or irritating banner animations to your site. What we are talking about is using audio and video to present information that establishes your expertise, creates your brand personality, and delivers your marketing message so it sticks in the minds of your audience.

4. Information Format

Your Web-marketing campaign should consist of a variety of information vehicles that each build on one another, creating the image and delivering the information that will ultimately lead to a relationship.

Your Web-marketing campaign should be aimed at achieving more than just a sale; it should be aimed at creating a satisfied customer who will promote your company through word-of-mouth. To achieve this end you must deliver a variety of information to potential clients; information that attracts attention, narrows decisions, instructs usage, and promotes involvement.

Information as entertainment: when you want to establish a personality or image, your audio or video presentation should have some entertainment element. This entertainment element could be in the character of the presenter, the script or dialog being presented, or merely the style and panache of the voice-over announcer or on-screen actor.

Information as knowledge: there used to be a Buffalo-based clothing retailer that featured the slogan, 'an educated consumer is our best customer." They never had a sale, but all their clothes were discounted the same way on a sliding scale based on how long the merchandise was in inventory. All their advertisements explained their policy in clear, concise terms. They understood, that if customers know and trust their policy they would have confidence that they were buying from a legitimate retailer at a legitimate price.

Information as instruction: we live in a very complex world where products and services are increasingly complicated. If we want customers to take the leap of faith and buy our merchandise and hopefully upgrade to bigger, better, more expensive versions, then customers must understand how to use the product and also how to maximize the promised benefits from their purchase. Teaching people how to take better photographs with the camera you sell is a far better sales tactic that promoting an extra feature they will never use.

Information as involvement: we all know word-of-mouth is the best form of advertising. Getting your Web-audience involved in your campaigns through the use of contests, surveys, and interactive entertainments are only a few ways to get them involved. But the best way to get people involved in evangelizing your product is to provide an experience that echoes their psychological, emotional, and socio-cultural aspirations.

Information as promotion: let's face facts, the vast majority of website visitors are jaded and cynical and hypersensitive to unscrupulous online businesses. Most of your Web-audience puts you right next to politicians and used car salesman in the trust department. You are not going to overcome this lack of confidence with a website that smacks of high pressure or alternatively a website that bores people. Present your offer using real people delivering a well crafted message that reflects your company persona and inspires confidence rather than puts out danger signals.

5. Marketing Venue

The Web's multimedia capability has often been equated to an egalitarian form of television, where every company has a shot at attracting an audience without the high cost of buying airtime, but like television it is the programs people are attracted to, not the commercials. If your website is nothing more than a commercial your visitors will hyperlink themselves away from your site at warp speed.

If we equate the new multimedia Web to television, we must construct our websites as if they were programs, not brochures. An excellent example of this new style website is the Ford Motor Company's 'Bold Moves' site (

Your email marketing and Adword campaigns are the equivalent of program teasers, attracting people to your main site, campaign micro-site, or landing page based on a content hook and promise.

6. Achievable Expectations

We are all concerned about ROI but you cannot expect instantaneous results. Websites are long-term investments that must be continually tweaked to conform to your long-range strategic objectives. You must have realistic achievable expectations: new leads, customer inquiries, information requests, newsletter sign-ups, and even complaints. You cannot determine the value of your site based on direct sales alone. If you are not achieving adequate results, then it's time you rethought your website strategy in terms of it's multimedia content and program potential.

Jerry Bader is Partner at MRPwebmedia, a website design firm that specializes in using audio & video to create memorable Web-experiences. Visit, Contact or telephone (905) 764-1246.Valery Blog78866
Flossie Blog61500

Internet Users Benefit from the Search Engine / SEO Cat-and-Mouse

A constant cat-and-mouse game between the major Internet search engines and search engine optimization (SEO) companies has an interesting result: As these two groups try to psych each other out to beat the others system, search capabilities are constantly improving for the consumer of Internet services.

Heres what happens: Each search engine develops a formula for producing the most accurate, relevant results according to the Internet users keyword search, and then the SEO companies analyze the search engines function and develop a system of strategies to allow their customers to take advantage of that formula. Common strategies include providing enriched text blocks (a few paragraphs of text containing multiple keywords likely to be picked up by the search engines), general interest articles, with embedded links, on particular topics relevant to the customer, development of multiple links to the customers site from other websites, and a combination of sponsored links and pay-per-click ads (paid ads which appear on other websites). This combination of strategies promises to improve a websites ranking in the search results, a valuable asset in cyberspace; if a company can land on the first page of a keyword search, the probability of the Internet user visiting its website skyrockets.

Of course, as soon as the SEO companies figure out a particular search engines formula, the search engine changes the rules, since the search engines honchos want to provide the most accurate, up-to-date, and relevant information, and not allow website owners to game the system. And of course the SEO companies respond with new, more sophisticated strategies. The result to Internet users is a constantly improving ability to search efficiently for the goods, services, and information they need.

Google is the biggest game in town, but other search engines have their following; Alta Vista is popular among college students and serious researchers, for instance. Theres also, a search engine that searches all the other major search engines and pulls up the most relevant results from each. And new search engines pop up all the time and are two examples of newer search engines with popular followings. A good SEO company will develop strategies not just for Google, but for all the major search engines.

Search engines arent perfect, of course, and one thing they cant do at the moment is access specific information contained in the multitude of databases available on the Internet. Federal, state, and some local governments have searchable, free databases which allow users to access this information; other databases, such as, charge a subscription fee for their use. For public information on the federal level in the U.S., is a great place to start.

Search strategies exist for the web surfer as well. Just try doing a Google search for tax information, for instance. Type taxes into the keyword search bar and click on Search. In the U.S. youll see, and then numerous companies advertising their tax services. But type in taxes .gov and youll pull up the same IRS site, followed by many more government website pages, some of which may provide more direct access to the information you need than going through, and without having to wade through a bunch of accounting firms. Type in taxes UK .gov and you pull up government information for the United Kingdom, and so on. Doing a keyword search on the general topic youre researching should pull up relevant database sites. (By the way, if you want to see an example of great search engine optimization strategies, do a search on genealogy and look at all the links to on the websites you findtheyre everywhere!)

As the cat-and-mouse game continues between search engine companies and SEO firms, the result promises to be ever more sophisticated, powerful, and accurate techniques for accessing valuable information over the Internet. As the continuing success of more and more new search engines suggests, we may have only scratched the surface of our Internet information technology capabilities.

Sam Vogel writes about search engine optimization-seo http://www.albaengine.comEulalie Blog94527
Felice Blog87720

Balance Transfers Primer

Are high credit card fees giving you sleepless nights? Think smart: balance transfers could be an intelligent short-term solution. The following article can be used as an introductory guide and a primer on the use of balance transfers that discusses the intricacies of balance transfer details. Transfer the weight off your shoulders and get a balance transfer credit card with a lower rate of interest. However, make sure to run through the terms and conditions of the new balance transfer card, to make sure you win in the long run.

If you are not really keen on getting a new card, tell your existing company that you want to transfer your balance to another card that offers a much lower rate. Your existing credit card company just might offer you a better deal. If not, then go ahead and call the competition!

So what is so great about balance transfers? Balance transfers to a card with a lower rate can significantly cut down your interest and fees. The most common rate of interest offered by companies on balance transfers is 0% for 3 to 12 months. If you are fortunate and your credit is good enough, you might qualify for a 0% interest card for 12 months on balance transfers and purchases. Be aware, however, that some cards, will link the introductory annual percentage rate (APR) to the billing cycle of the card.

There could be some additional perks available on your balance transfer card as well:

1) Your new card may charge no annual fees.
2) The grace period on payments might be longer.
3) Rewards like cash back on purchases might be available.
4) Discounts from certain retailers, identity theft protection, and even car insurance can be thrown in as well!

How Do I Get One?

You will be required to go through some basic application procedures and paperwork on a balance transfer. You could write a balance transfer on one of the convenience checks that the card issuer will provide after getting approval on the card. These function just like normal checks but there are some things to be aware of, such as expiration dates. Time can cost big money, in this case, with the old interest rates snapping at your heels. How much you can transfer will depend entirely on the credit limit of your new card.

The fees for balance transfers are similar to that of cash advances, but often times, fees will be waived for the very best card offers. If there are associated transfer fees on the card, it is advisable that you avoid transferring small balances, as the transaction fees might undercut your potential savings. Some additional fees on these cards might include:

1) Late Fees: Once the introductory period on your balance transfer ends, you will start incurring finance charges on the remaining balance. Late fees on these card offers are particularly expensive. In order to avoid these exorbitant fees, make sure that you mail payment well in advance of the due date. If you are using an ATM deposit, stay informed about the processing time of your payment. Banks either charge a flat fee, such as $10 or $15, or a percentage, such as 5%, of the minimum payment due, for example

2) Over-Credit Limit Fees: Each time you charge your card beyond the credit limit, the bank has the ability to impose a fee. It is possible that many of these aforementioned fees will gather simultaneously (in addition to interest charges) during the same billing period! Banks usually charge $10 or $15 for this fee or up to 5% of the amount on the exceeded limit amount.

3) Lost Card Replacement Fees: If you ever happen to lose your card, some banks might charge you anything between $5 and $10 for a replacement.

The most important thing to remember regarding balance transfer credit cards is to make all your payments on time and pay off the outstanding balance within the introductory time frame. Usually, there is no grace period offered up for balance transfers and unless you have snapped up an introductory 0% APR, interest will begin to accrue immediately. The calculation can get a little tricky too. Your initial repayments will first go towards clearing the balance transfer amount before making a dent in any outstanding balance created from recent purchases with the card. So if you want to avoid this mess, keep a separate card for balance transfers and another one for regular purchases.

When the Joyride Ends

You should be keenly observant of the expiration date of your promotional offer. Once it ends, you will be charged the normal rate of interest. All remaining purchase and balance transfer amounts will be subject to a much higher APR and significantly higher finance charges.

Your credit history will determine your post introductory APR on your balance transfer credit card. So if this APR is higher than the rate on your old balance transfer card, you could incur more expensive finance charges if you carry a balance from month to month. Just make sure that you transfer your balance to a new card that offers both a lower promotional rate as well as a lower ongoing APR.

Robert Alan recommends that you visit for more information on 0% balance transfers.Esther Blog84372
Vicki Blog90356

Article Marketing: Why Longer Articles Make You More Money

I recently wrote an article entitled, Article Marketing: Long or Short Articles -- Which Is Better? As you know from my current little article marketing experiment (details at, I've been submitting to a lot of sites. Hence, reading a lot of site submission guidelines.

Guess what? It seems that I'm not the only one to realize that longer articles are better. I remember when I first started marketing with articles about three years ago, guidlines generally called for articles between 400-600 words. Many did NOT want you to go much over that.

Many of the sites I'm currently submitting to request articles of AT LEAST 500 words. One even had a minimum requirement of 700 words. I think this bodes well for the quality of material to be found on the web.

In reading the submission guidelines I got the distinct feeling that directory owners were sick and tired of the poor quality of many of the pieces.

So, you may be thinking, how long should an article be?

Personally, I've found that between 700-900 words allows you to cover a topic in-depth enough to give the reader enough information so that they feel like they've learned something. Or, at least like you feel like you've dispensed some helpful, useful information.

Now that article marketing seems to have settled in as a viable marketing tactic, and many are using it, how do you differentiate yourself from the pack? I covered this in the previous article, but following is a quick recap:

1. Sincerity: It can be sensed, even via the written word. Human nature can sense when someone is dumping a load of bull on them. Quit thinking about what you want to sell and prospect and think about how you want to help them.

Ostensibly, you created your product/service because it fills a need. So, look to why you originally started doing whatever it is that you do. Spell out the benefits the customer receives (eg, it will make you happier, save you time, etc.), not the features you want to sell them (eg, it has a fancy top, it goes really fast, etc.).

2. Be Yourself: Nothing sells like personality. Personality helps in developing a relationship. People buy from those they know, like and trust. Once a relationship is developed (no matter how peripheral at first), these sentiments can easily be built upon.

When you consider that most prospects have to see your ad 7-28 times before they will purchase from you, then the sooner you can start that relationship, the better.

So, if you're quirky, let that show through; have a wicked sense of humor, bring it on; have an interesting hobby, are a world traveller -- let readers know a little about you!

Another recent article I wrote, Increase Your Freelance Income by Finding Your Unique Voice, explains how to go about this:

3. Give details, details, details: Some studies cite that up to 86% of web surfers are looking for information when they go online. Don't disappoint by glossing over a subject. Give details -- and this includes recounting what DIDN'T work, as well as what did.

If you follow these three rules, you will create a loyal following of readers who will be happy to not only see your article in their inbox, but forward it to their readers. And that, after all, is what you're after.

Ironic observation: This article is 609 words long, including the title. BUT, I did say in my previous article that there are times when its okay to publish shorter pieces (eg, in this case, follow-up commentary).

May be reprinted with the following, in full:

Yuwanda Black is the publisher of THE business portal for and about the editorial and creative industries. First-hand freelance success stories, e-courses, job postings, resume tips, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Launch a Profitable Freelance Writing Career in 30 Days or Less -- Guaranteed! Log on to to learn how.Farand Blog82475
Ertha Blog41277

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Pitching Bloggers: 10 Things That Make Bloggers Angry

If you have a product, book or service you want people to know about, pitch bloggers!. They know how to create buzz, especially about cutting-edge stuff. Bloggers pride themselves on knowing who is doing what, and love to be first to post about new ideas, products and events.

In fact, some publicists and PR professionals are now going straight to bloggers instead of to journalists for creating media attention. Several books were launched into best seller status before they were published because review copies were sent out to leading bloggers: Freakonomics and Call to Action are prime examples. These books got plenty of buzz on the Web from bloggers with huge audiences, and others blogs linked to them: the news spread like wildfire.

But don't make mistakes when you try to pitch bloggers or your publicity explosion will burst in your face. When bloggers get angry they will not quietly toss your product or book into the round file. They will tell everyone what they didn't like and what you did wrong.

Here are 10 things that make bloggers angry when you try to pitch them:

1. Not spelling the blogger's name right

2. Not understanding the blog's purpose or niche

3. Not understanding the blogger's attitude about being pitched

4. Telling them that they should print your info; telling them that their readers will want to read about your product, book or service

5. Blatant product pitches in the blog's comment section

6. Information that's of no use, irrelevant, and uninteresting to their audience,

7. Repeated pitches after they've told you they aren't interested

8. A cookie-cutter bulk email sent to a long list of bloggers with no personalization

9. Sending attachments of any kind, and not including any links about the item

10. Posting irrelevant and condescending comments on their blog

For more leading edge Internet Marketing tips go to You can also subscribe to The Blog Squad's ezine Savvy eBiz Tips at . To learn more about using social media tools like blogs, go to Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff are Internet Marketing experts and are known as The Blog Squad.Fortune Blog64042
Valene Blog10528

Business Card Etiquette for International Businessmen

In a globalized world, international businessmen require more than certain skills and knowledge in their corresponding financial or commercial branch, but also the basic understanding of customer's local culture to avoid frustration, misunderstanding and even potential embarrassment.

Whether a company or any independent professional, should research not only to get cheap international plane tickets to make the trip more affordable, but also acquiring basic facts about regional culture and etiquette, including business cards.

If you are involved in international business, then you need to keep up with your client's country values, norms, behaviors, and even everyday facts including art, food, fashion, architecture, etc. The more you learn about your clients' nations, the more opportunities to close successful deals. However, any solid relationship begins by recognizing the importance of learning the proper etiquette.

Business cards are usually the first thing that any customer or prospective client will get from you, so you should make sure they cause a positive impression on them. The way they perceive you from the beginning will leave a lasting impression in their memory, giving them right from the start the impression whether to create a business relationship with you.

As an example, getting cheap international plane tickets to attend a meeting abroad is fine, but your cards must reflect you are not trying to save costs. Every nation has different idiosyncrasies, but general business card etiquette encloses the guidelines to make the best impression on current and potential clients.

Becoming a successful businessman or businesswoman is easy if you simply read a little bit about customs and practices of the region where your partners, co-workers and clients live. Knowledge is generally the best guidance, pointing you in the right direction for creating international lasting business, fulfilling both intentions and expectations coming from each partner involved.

Furthermore, business card etiquette is only one aspect of great importance when it comes to international exchange of business cards, because unlike America or Canada, in other countries, business cards have very different meanings, and not only a convenient way of capturing essential personal or businesses details.

This way, business cards in the United Kingdom are relaxed and involve just a little ceremony. Keeping the cards clean and presentable, even if carried in a pocket, but in Japan, business cards are exchanged with great ceremony and they should be kept in pristine condition, given them with only one hand and always received with two hands. Whether you want to present color business cards is another consideration.

Getting cheap international plane tickets save money. Invest that money in quality cards that speak by themselves about your business, and include in them your title, university degree or any other honor, if you have any, because many countries all over the world place emphasis on status and hierarchy. Business card printing should always be done professionally.

With different approaches, business cards, whether for department stores or collection agencies, are considered as a representation of the owner, consciously or unconsciously, so make sure to apply what the proper business etiquette demands in every region where you move.

Natalie Aranda writes on marketing and sales. Business cards are usually the first thing that any customer or prospective client will get from you, so you should make sure they cause a positive impression on them.Vitoria Blog61671
Verine Blog61023

Is this the ULTIMATE Affiliate Marketing Formula ??

Why affiliate marketing ? Well, affiliate marketing allows you to advertise products created by others on your website, and then earn up to 75% commission for each sale. You can choose from affiliate programs that sell almost anything, but you tend to be able to make the most money through selling electronic products such as ebooks, reports, software or videos. This article will provide you with a number of tips to help you make a start in affiliate marketing.

Why participate in affiliate marketing programs? Here are four simple tips.

Find a program in a niche that you like and are interested in.
Look for a program that is associated with experts
Find a product in a growing market to help ensure more and future demand for the niche.
Make sure the program has a good range of useful tools and resources to help you promote the product and grow your business.

When you have decided on your chosen niche, and selected the products you want to promote you must consider why customers would want to buy from your site. So, you must remember the following when designing your website.

Develop unique web pages to promote each product you are marketing - your site must focus on each product individually and nothing more.
Always include product reviews and testimonials on your site, and offer free content or reports to your visitors.
List the benefits of the product and focus on points like how the product can make life easier and more comfortable.
Write articles for ezines and ereports highlighting the uses of the product and include them on your site. Try to write a couple of articles per week (300 600 words). Remember that search engines like article sites and ezine sites such as

Clearly you want all of your visitors to click the order button, but converting them to customers is a challenge. On average only 1 out of 100 visitors are likely to buy. Therefore, if you can generate as much as 1000 hits to your website every day, on average you can make about 10 sales. But how do you get people to visit your site ?

I have mentioned writing articles already as a way to get people to your site for free. A popular way to generate traffic for your website is by paying for it using pay per click (PPC) advertising on the main search engines such as Google or Yahoo. PPC is one of the most cost effective ways of targeted internet advertising. The idea is that you write really good short adverts which appear on the search result pages, and you only have to pay when someone clicks on your link. Your ranking in the search engine results is determined by the amount you are willing to pay for each click on your advert. The highest bid will be ranked number 1, followed by all equivalent lower bids.

There are of course many other ways to get traffic to your site, and these can be found either by searching the internet, or by reading the answer to my next question - where do you go from here ?

The answer - you should subscribe to a course which can teach you the basics of affiliate marketing, an easy to follow step by step guide. My personal recommendation is a free 27 day course by Matthew Glanfield. Matthew has been marketing online for over three years. In the second half of 2005 he generated over $100,000 of sales from only one of his websites. He now runs a number of really successful websites to help others to be able to start their own Internet business.

This course takes you from planning your first affiliate sales on day one to having a fully active website promoting your selected product by the end of the course. It is packed with valuable information and videos to get you on track as soon as possible. By signing up for this course you will also receive a free chapter, The secret formula for successful Affiliate Marketing, from one of Matthews courses. You will also receive a copy of a brand new ebook called Copy 101 which will help you write really effective PPC ads.

Jonathan Moss has been working in Internet Marketing for over 12 months. To find out more about affiliate marketing please visit You may reprint this article in full complete with the Author Bio.Vivi Blog26756
Virginie Blog25968

Marketing Your Psychology Private Practice: Important "Shifts"

Solid clinical knowledge and skills may be enough for providing good therapy. However, it is not enough to get referrals and attract clients.

Getting clients is key to building a thriving practice. But this is where many practitioners struggle.

Many therapists feel awkward about marketing.

Marketing is simply getting the word out about who you are and what you do for people.

Its telling people what you do over and over. There are many ways of telling people in person, in writing, through the media and by phone. You have to tell them. You cant just wait for the phone to start ringing.

Marketing benefits your community because they can access the help you provide.

Marketing builds your practice as it generates referrals.

This can seem like an enormous challenge for many mental health professionals. Many of us are not comfortable with promoting ourselves or our services. We tend to like to provide our helpful services, but become shy about promoting them.

Understanding more about what marketing is and some simple, effective ways to do it can help. Shedding unhelpful limiting beliefs about ourselves, marketing and what we can do and how we should do it may also be necessary.

Developing know-how and skills will also go a long way toward becoming more comfortable with marketing our practice.

Of course, our marketing and materials must be in keeping with the dignity of our profession.

Good marketing is engaging people in a consideration of taking a step that will result in their greater good. Good marketing strategies develop when we select methods that fit well with who we are as individuals.

For example, if you like to write but do not like to speak to groups, your marketing should emphasize your writing talents. Those of you who enjoy speaking and making presentations will find this is an excellent way to get the word out.

You may think, But Im not a business person. How can I effectively market my practice and get clients?

Dont lose sight of why you are a therapist. Stay connected to it. But regardless of where you are in your learning about the business side of private practice, you can learn step by step how to get clients.

The key to marketing psychotherapy services is choosing a set of simple effective things to do, and do them consistently

William D. Morgan is a psychologist, author, and private practice business coach. He coaches human service professionals and others who want to build thriving practices. For more helpful information and tips, visit This is an excerpt from his NEW BOOK Today's Private Practice: Strategies for Building a Thriving Managed-Care Free Psychotherapy Practice, Blog1761
Veronika Blog84141

Technology & E-Business Expansion: Website Strategies That Will Take Your Business To The Next Level

Many companies agree that a website is a very strong sales vehicle resulting in increased sales. However, after investing a substantial amount of money in building an elaborate Website, the disappointment settles in when they begin to realize that their website does not produce the results they hoped for, and that it does not match their needs and expectations. What people fail to realize is the fact that having a beautiful Website does not guarantee an increase in sales, and will not improve efficiency or customer relationship management effectiveness. Yes, I will agree you must have an attractive, professional looking website, otherwise you will immediately lose credibility with your prospects. However, your website also needs to be:

1. Informative Your website must speak to your prospects needs, wants, desires, and address their concerns. If your website is not informative, and if it does not sell to your prospects, then you are dramatically reducing your chances of closing the sale.

2. Traffic directive Your website should lead clients easily through the sales funnel. If you do not have an easy navigation system, and if your sales prospects are getting lost they will easily become frustrated. Frustrated prospects do not become happy customers.

3. Marketable Sales are rarely completed upon the first introduction, whether it is in person, over the phone or on the Internet. You have to gain your prospects attention and keep their attention. If you go to, you will notice that I continually update my site, and add new articles and case studies to entice prospects to visit my website often. You may want to add an e-newsletter, or a special report, or offer a free e-Book, or e-Course as a lead generating strategy to capture your prospects contact information. Once you have their information, you can then email them or snail mail them, or make follow up phone calls that will eventually close the sale.

A Fourth Factor That Is Frequently Overlooked

Not meeting the goals mentioned in the above paragraphs, can lead to not achieving the results anticipated. But a successfully designed and marketed Website that results in a substantial sales increase can also create business disruption when the e-commerce system is not integrated in real time to the back office system.

For example, I recently received an inquiry about our ERP software solution from the president of a small fastening company who had read my previous article how to choose the right software for your company which was published in a popular trade magazine. When speaking with her, she told me that she recently turned off her website despite the fact it was extremely successful in producing a substantial amount of new sales. The reason for turning off the website was that the back office system did not produce the proper inventory status information.

Not having this data resulted in severe business disruptions. Realizing that she would lose customers and her companys high rating on the web, the president decided to turn off the website until she could find suitable new back office software for her company. As a result of the high level of stress created by the business disruptions, many of her staff members decided to leave the company, increasing her business disruptions.

Another Example Of How A So-Called Successful Website Can Create Unnecessary Business Disruptions:

Recently, three presidents of very successful electronics e-commerce companies told me they have excellent e-business retail stores that enabled them to grow their businesses substantially. When I asked them how good their inventory control is in the warehouse, they all admitted that this was one area that required great improvement as:

1. Misplaced inventory was collecting dust and was not found until the next physical count took place in the warehouse. Quite often, when the misplaced inventory when found, it was obsolete. The inventory that could have been sold became excess inventory since new inventory was ordered while it was misplaced.

2. Incorrect shipments resulted in a high rate of returns, and double freight bills.

3. Credit issued for returned inventory resulted in additional workload for the accounting department results in the loss of vendor early payment discounts.

Make Your Website A Success With An Integrated Computer System

While selling on the Web can be a very powerful tool, as you can see, it can also be a double-edged sword resulting in severe business disruptions. With an integrated computer system, the Web, the back office, and the warehouse information will be updated in a real time mode without the danger of data being corrupted or lost. An automated warehouse will insure shipment accuracy, prevent inventory from being misplaced, and the company Website will always reflect an accurate count of the inventory available in the warehouse. This will your companys customer relationship management effectiveness and encourage customers to become recurring clients.

If your website is attractive, informative, marketable, and if it has traffic direction and a integrated computer system in place, it will then enable your company to go to the next level. You will then only be limited by your imagination and your budget. The question is, What is your destination?

Since 1980, Dan Kaplan has worked with corporate executives to improve purchasing, increase warehouse and distribution efficiencies, and implement software solutions that result in substantial savings and productivity improvements. To lower your operating costs, reduce your warehousing and distribution business's quote generation process from 3 weeks to 3 hours and invoice cycle from months to one day, go to Vicky Blog58033
Ethel Blog11728
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